Whilst doing some research the other day I came across a thread on a related issue on the Adobe forums. The poster of the problem happened to mention ‘pasting’ some Illustrator artwork into InDesign and was advised that you should always ‘place’ into InDesign. In fact there are cases where it’s perfectly acceptable to copy […]
It always impresses me when I see somebody with great artistic ability. It doesn’t matter whether you are working with brushes on a physical canvas or digital tools on a screen, it’s still nice to see such skill at work. Here are a few examples of photorealistic artwork from UK based Illustrator Kyle Lambert, who […]
If you’ve been using Illustrator for any length of time you’ll be aware of the Transform functions that reside under the Object menu. Go to Object>Transform and you’ll find Move, Rotate etc all grouped in one submenu. However, Transform functions can also be applied as Effects. Go to Effect>Distort & Transform and you’ll see Transform… […]
If you find yourself constantly configuring the same settings every time you create a new document in Illustrator then you may be glad to know we can save you the time and spare you the monotony. When we create a New Document in Illustrator we choose from a Document Profile to pre-configure settings for Web, […]
The Appearance Panel in Illustrator is the place to go to view and edit the appearance attributes of elements within your document. You’ll see a list of all the styling applied to any selected item, everything from fill and stroke attributes through to effect settings, all of which can be accessed and edited directly from […]
To show you how easy it is to create and use svg elements, here is a simple example. <svg xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2000/svg” width=”500px” height=”300px” viewBox=”0 0 1500 300″> <text x=”250″ y=”150″ font-family=”Verdana” font-size=”250pt”> Hello </text></svg> You can also just use the text element by itself. This is a text element, selectable, and easy to format. To rotate the […]
What do you do when you want a crisp logo or infographic, and have to worry about the plethora of screen resolutions and sizes? Apart from using hi-res images or make different versions of said images and then having to work out how to serve them up, SVG is a good way to go. It […]
Whilst InDesign is generally pretty stable I do sometimes come across people who have an issue with InDesign crashing repeatedly. There are a few things you can do to stop this, other than simply reinstalling InDesign. RESTART THE MACHINE OK it sounds kind of obvious, but one thing you could do it restart the computer […]
Adobe Comp CC is a new app for the iPad which Adobe Creative Cloud subscribers can download and use. Comp lets you create layouts on your iPad quickly and easily, allowing you to pull in assets from your CC libraries, such as images, vector artwork and colour swatches. These layouts can then be pushed out […]
Transform Each – transforming multiple objects with greater control Illustrator has a number of powerful functions nested away in its many sub-menus and if you aren’t the kind of person who naturally likes to have a snoop around you could be missing out. Today I want to show you the Transform Each function, a powerful […]