If you’re on the Creative Cloud subscription then you’ll have access to the latest versions Adobe’s software – in fact it sometimes seems that you ONLY have access to the latest versions. But actually it is possible to install legacy versions via the CC installer App going back as far as CS6 (if the title had been around that long).

So, if you need to run Adobe apps on an older system, or perhaps need access to a legacy function no longer supported in the latest versions here’s what to do!

At the top of the CC App, under the ‘Apps’ tab you’ll see any available updates and below that all the currently installed software.

install older versions of photoshop indesign illustrator

If we scroll down we come to a section called “Find Additional Apps”, and to the right a drop-down menu to filter the choices shown. From here we can choose to “View Previous Versions”.

installing older versions of adobe cc apps

Now the list is filtered to show any available legacy versions of each application. Click on the “Install” button next to the application name and you’ll see a list of all the versions available to install.

install old app versions of adobe cc
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