If you have to generate PDF files for Print you may occasionally get a request from a print supplier asking to ‘remove the fonts’ from your PDF. If this has you heading back to your InDesign or Illustrator file to Outline all the text then stay tuned, all is not lost! Firstly, let’s look at […]
Category Archives: InDesign
InDesign has a lot of paragraph settings that you can use, and here are some of the ones that I really like and store in my stylesheets… 1}} If you are dealing with more than one language within your document, do not forget that InDesign can set a particular dictionary to specific paragraphs via your […]
When laying out your page, occasionally you may come across the need to make sure another box (image or text) needs to be placed near a specific piece of text, and that it tracks that text. This means that when the text moves, the other box moves with it. Now, you can just draw your […]
One incredibly useful, but often overlooked, feature in InDesign is the ability to place one InDesign document into another as an Image Link. Go to File>Place… and you’ll see in the file browser that InDesign files can be selected indicating they can be imported/placed within a layout. This is a real advantage when placing artwork […]
Today I want to look at a simple method for optimising content styling in InDesign. This technique combines Paragraph and Object Styles so I will assume some familiarity – if you’ve used Paragraph Styles before then Object Styles are pretty easy to pick up. InDesign includes a set of panels aimed at storing the formatting […]
Whilst doing some research the other day I came across a thread on a related issue on the Adobe forums. The poster of the problem happened to mention ‘pasting’ some Illustrator artwork into InDesign and was advised that you should always ‘place’ into InDesign. In fact there are cases where it’s perfectly acceptable to copy […]
Whilst InDesign is generally pretty stable I do sometimes come across people who have an issue with InDesign crashing repeatedly. There are a few things you can do to stop this, other than simply reinstalling InDesign. RESTART THE MACHINE OK it sounds kind of obvious, but one thing you could do it restart the computer […]
Some time back I was training an advanced InDesign course, and one of trainees had come across a problem and asked me for advice. The problem she had come across was, whenever she imported Excel documents into InDesign, the dates switched formats. What was happening was that the date was formatted within Excel as an […]
If you’re the kind of person who can’t stand unbalanced text, you might recall the days when it took a fair bit of manual adjustment to make text columns line up evenly. Fortunately InDesign CC 2014 (actually it’s been in here since CS5) has a nice balance columns checkbox which is found in the Text […]
Many people do the same task again and again in InDesign, but are wary of using InDesign’s automated scripting functions to make the job easier. Some may be simply unaware of the scripting capabilities within InDesign, while for others scripts are daunting and technical. In reality scripting can be very easy, especially if you don’t […]