Cutting and joining is vitally important when you’re trying to build interesting artwork and there are a number of different ways and tools that we can use for this. We’re going to look now at some of the cutting tools first.The first tool is in with the Erase tool. It’s called the Scissor tool. This tool […]
Here are some of the top must know Photoshop tips for any regular user. I cover many of these when I’m teaching Photoshop courses, others are a bit more obscure but still useful to know though. Once you have turned some of these into habit, you will be amazed at how more productive you become when […]
An often overlooked aspect of most Creative Cloud apps is their ability to save your program layout and this functionality is fairly common across most of the main programs such as Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere and After Effects. Adobe call these workspaces and they can be extremely useful for rapidly loading specific panel sets or […]
One tool that is often under used or even ignored in InDesign is the Gap tool, and it’s a shame as it can be very useful. Basically the tool allows you to manipulate the gaps between frames, and has a number of shortcuts that allow you to control exactly how it works. The Gap tools […]
Selecting by colour range is a way of selecting broken/disbursed areas that are the same colour, and would otherwise be time consuming and/or hard to select. These selections would be difficult to do using lasoo tools, macquee tools or even something like quick select. You might be able to achieve some of them with the […]
In this post we’ll begin by running through the process of creating and editing Actions to apply the individual Adjustment Layers that form our retro effect. Then we’ll create Master Actions to trigger each Adjustment Layer Action in turn and organize the Layers into named Layer Groups. With these in place you’ll have the building […]